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-Please try to either not wear makeup in the to be treated area or to wear no makeup at all

-Do not drink alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before your appointment

-Desired results like the shape and color will be discussed on the day of your appointment

-Make sure to drink enough water the days before your upcoming appointment

-Do not take any blood thinners or pain meds 48 hours before your appointment

-No filler or botox 1 month before your appointment 



- do not plug or wax your eyebrows 1 week before the treatment.



- Incase you have suffered from herpes in the past it is normal to have a possible break out after lip pigmentation this has nothing to do with hygiene but can be a reaction of the body. Therefore we would recommend you to get a cream (like Zovirax) before hand from your doctor/ pharmacy or to use a pill or cream as prevention before hand.



(you will get more information after your appointment)

- Right after the treatment the color will appear much brighter. The final results will be visible after the treated area has fully healed which takes around 2 weeks and 6 weeks for the final color to show. You will loose around 40-60% of the color. Slight swelling or bruising a few hours after the treatment are normal.

- A few days after the treatment there will be a crust forming on top of the treated area DO NOT rub or pick at it since this could cause small scars which often cannot be fixed with a touch up.

- In case you would like to book a touch up appointment it is best to do it 6 weeks after your first appointment

- No Sauna, tanning beds or direct sun for at least 14 days after your appointment.



- Do not use any soap, cream or oil product on the brows until those are fully healed

- Do not scrub, rub or scratch the treated area

- After 48 hours use a cream like Eucerin Aquaphor in the morning and evening on the treated area.



- Do not scrub, rub or scratch the treated area

- Try not to kiss too much until the crust comes off on its own, be especially careful with facial hair (beards)

- Do not make any dentist appointments until lips are fully healed

- In case of herpes immediately use cream like zovirax


Faux freckles:

- Do not wear makeup for 1 week 

- Only wash your face 24 hours after the treatment with a gentle face cleanser 

- Do not use any serums, peeling or vitamin Cs on your face for 1 week after treatment

- For 1 week do not visit the Sauna and stay out of direct sun 

- Do not rub your face with a towel only pat dry carefully​


Permanent makeup might not be for you if...

- you are 18 years of age or younger 

- you are currently sick 

- you are currently pregnant or breastfeeding

- you suffer from an autoimmun disease

- you are taking or have been taking acne meds in the last 6 months

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Isabel Studios

Dorfstrasse 28

8834 Schindellegi, Schwyz- CH

+41 78 222 24 04

Opening Hours

by appointment only 


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